Sunday, September 30, 2012

my thoughts: a list

1. I have a wagon of pebbles (more like a box of pebbles) like Stargirl. My wagon is pretty full.

2. I never leave the house without my chapstick. Sometimes, in fact most times, I have to have at least two in my pocket.

3. I like to concentrate on my breathing.

4. I read the newspaper every day.

5. I really want a pair of rollerskates for my birthday.

6. I drink milk like Mormon Mamas drink their diet coke. Ridiculous? Maybe.

7. I've promised too many people a pan of brownies. I never keep those promises.

8. My favorite type of shoe is slippers. I have at least ten pair hiding all over my room.

9. If I could be any type of animal, I would be a bird. I would do anything to fly.

10. I can find Orion. I wish I could identify more constellations than that.


Sariah May said...

I wish I could fly, too. So much. Also: constellations confuse me.

I like this. It's not anything too heavy, but reveals a lot about you.

Lizzie McGuire said...

I love your picture for this post.

Unknown said...

I drink lots and lots of milk too... betchya didnt' know that?

Anonymous said...

I love this post.

Why haven't I been reading more of your stuff? Just shows that I don't know everything/anything.