Sunday, November 18, 2012


I found out that all those losers in the back who just read the whole time are not really in the back at all but where ever there book is. Yes, I was pretty much furious when I found out that they were all keeping this secret from me...

Invisibility: A How To Guide

- You know that card that has your face on it that gets you into all the football games and basketball games for free? Well guess what? That card has other magical powers- it can make you invisible.

- Take your card to the library. They have a variety of tools that are extremely helpful for your quest to becoming invisible. Shelves full.

-Don't be shy. Take as many books as your arms can carry. Take five more.

- Maybe, I don't know... read them? Just a thought.

- Use all of your renewals if you have to.

- Read everywhere. 

-Let teachers scold you for reading, but don't let them take your book away. 

- Choose to stay home and read over hanging out with your friends. Don't you know that your books are a better friend than your so-called friends?

-Don't stop reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Hold the phone.

I dig this.

The pictures are a perfect complement. And the subtext in italics. And the title.

You have this thing figured out, yo.